Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Today is Tuesday 30th, of September, 2014. On Sunday the 28th Victor, Agra, and Dennis came to visit me and the orphans. They held short bible classes for them; one for the older teens and one for the in-be- tweeners. They learned a lesson and Agra gave them some candy, which went over very well. They brought me Toilet paper (for those who know me, know that in it self is a God send.), a English/Latvian dictionary, bottled water, coffee, pastries, and a HESSBURGER!!! After the classes, we all got together, and before hand Agra got to meet with the nanny's to see how I did. I guess not so good, but they gave a routine that THEY want me to follow. This IS good, because no one told me exactly what I was going to be doing in the first place, that and the language barrier. So it's been worked out. And the last two days will have proven my worth, and tomorrow. I plan to try to go the extra mile and when that opportunity permits will give me what I need to strike with good Christian fellowship. So the four of us sat around in the office, away from the kids and the nanny's to relate what has transpired over the last two weeks and what needs to be improved upon. We drank the coffee and ate left over lunch and breakfast that they saved for me, and I was quite full from all that they've been giving me already, and had a few pastries that were brought, too. WE laughed a bunch and ended seriously by taking the Lord's supper, songs of praise, and prayer. Then they left after our farewells.

I went up to my room and took a couple of pictures of what a Hessburger is and ate it. I went to go check on my kids for class, but the clock said it was 6;30 p.m., or later, and I realized that the get together was good, but I missed the lesson. I felt bad, though I believe the teens could care less... I want to make it exciting for them and I've got to come up with something that will be exciting and out of the ordinary for them so they will WANT to learn. I can only pray that God will grant me the wisdom to find such a avenue for higher learning. So I looked at my lessons, bible and my language book and material.

Yesterday I was up by 5:30 a.m. and bushy-tailed. I was going to say goodbye to the kids leaving to head for the schools but some how I missed them. I ate breakfast with the "little people." Afterwards we played for a little while then went outside where they had some tricycles scooters, and other push/pull contraptions the "little people" could power themselves around in the front of the orphanage's dirt road cultisack. We just had to whatch them with any incoming cars. And of course there were broken one's and not enough for all and sharing is a big issue here and they, the "little people," tend to fight to have something for themselves. I guess that's because they really don't have any one thing that they can really call their own. I ate lunch with them then went to my room to read and chill until the 4 o'clock snack. then took a walk down by the river. It started to get better, the weather, and it was quiet peaceful. then I came in and saw the "little people" and ate dinner with them. I then said "good-night" and head back to my room to reflect on the day and look at my Latvian language book.

Today was similar, but we stayed inside first and they played with all of their toys. There was a lot of crying over every and anything that they wanted, even me. When I come in and sit down on the floor they're like ants climbing all over me wanting to sit on my lap while on the floor. This has gone on since I first came here. Usually three can sit on my lap without any trouble, but when you have 11 little rug rats it's a whole new ball game. There's much crying, and many tantrum fits. But it's just best to work through it. Hey, no one said this would be easy!! I don't mind it. I kind of seem like a BIG celebrity to them, I guess.  Then some visitors, actually donars came to visit, a Latvian couple (?) and an older Australian couple. They, as I found donated backpacks and other things as I later discovered. The kids thought it neat especially when the Aussie's showed them a slide shoe on their computer of Australia and it's many animals. COOL STUFF!!!

Well gotta go battery is low, will say Arlabunakti to you all!!!

In Him
Peace be with you all!!!!!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

It's Saturday 27th of September, 2014. Not much happened yesterday, so I slept in. When I woke I saw workers outside on the playground putting up arrangements to what was already there. I must say that it looks really nice, now that it is all up. I spent time on getting today's and tomorrow's lessons together. While waiting for the kids to arrive, some were already here. The teenage girl "L" and her tag-along approached me in the hall and asked if I would like to go to a basketball game in the neighboring village/city of Jakabpils. It was there home team playing, and if memory serves right the opposing team was from Riga. Wow! OF course I said, probably almost shouted! And I met them a five downstairs. In the mean time I lent my DVD player and two DVD's to a young guy who asked if he could look at it. I said sure... worst that can happen is it breaks, and to my knowledge it didn't. He did give it back because the charge was due on the battery. So me, "L," two nanny's and about seven other orphans went by bus to Jakabpils. It was in a small gymnasium and they had a silver trophy cup on display on the floor as you walked into the arena. I asked "L'" what they would do if I took it and poured some beverage in it and drank out of it... of course she didn't understand, and my humor isn't always the greatest, so the levity was none for the better.

Apparently it's a athletic facility, encompassed by many other sporting areas and a school. The place to me seemed quaint, not noisy like at home, but there was a lot of traffic, though nothing on the scale we would see in the states. The rest stayed down on the floor, while me and "L" took to the bleachers at about as high as we could go. She asked if I would like food and beverage so we headed out to go to the "veikals" (shop/store) and we met the other two of her orphan friends from Likumi. We got beverages and a sack-o-chips and returned just before the game started.

I knew it wouldn't be anything like american basketball, but it was still neat to see and of course get out. Jakabpils was the home team and expected to win, the trophy cup I don't know if it was for the win that night or because they already won it and were displaying it, so it stayed out until the start of the game. They had a small cheerleader group, about 10 or 12 young ladies doing dancing and small human displays, like doing a pyramid, and so on. Of course it's something the high school girls could probably do with ease back in the states. Hey, they were cute so let's give them some credit!!!  Jakabpils had a guy from America, how did I know... he was the only black guy there, and probably for hundreds of miles. Not being racist, it's just how it is in these scandanavian countries, most black people would have no real reason to come except on a holiday or something. Let's face it many never had ancestors that came from here. So at the end of the game I went up to him, "so you from America." With a grin he said,"yes, sir..." I asked him from where in the states and he said twenty minutes north of Pittsburg/ or Philly, can't remember now. I said from Gloucester county across the river from Philly. "How do you like it here?" His reply,"Great, it's quite and cheap to live, I can't complain." Then I got a picture taken with me and him by one of the orphan teen's, I forgot my camera. I forgot to ask his name and give mine, but time was pressed. Then this morning I realized I should of got a picture taken with a cheerleader or so. What's a boy to do?

I got to meet "L"'s boy friend who sat on the other side of her, Seemed reasonably nice and we did talk a little. But it was hard to hear with the pep-rally group behind us shouting the entire game. One guy had a drum and was constantly pounding away at the blasted thing. The entire game, POUND... POUND... POUND!!! I was not only beginning to get a head ache but was starting to feel sick. At the end I had to dodge the flag toters and the drummer boy. "L" left, but didn't see her until we got on the bus, and she was extremely quiet and to herself. Great I thought, I made her boyfriend uncomfortable. NOW what else could I do to wreck things.

So today I was hanging around with the kids and got ready for the "Auto veikals" (actually a bus that is a store). They have vegetables, things to drink, candy, ice cream, batteries and all sorts of things. I got sparking apple "lemonade," two bars of chocolate, chips, and two ice cream cone ( not like at home, this ice cream is only filled to the top of the cone!) one of which I gave to one of the boy orphans.Quickly I ran up stairs to my room and finished my ice cream and got my material together for the class. And went outside and waited... and waited.... and waited.... for 45 minutes. And then I thought of "L." Great!! I really messed up things now.

So I hung out with some of the kids and we played and played with the dogs and cats here at the orphanage. We had a good time. I even made it on time to afternoon snack. I must say I do get feed. They give me bigger portions because I'm an adult but  they keep giving me extra stuff. I tell them "NO MORE!!" but they insist, and I don't want to hurt there feelings so I take left overs to my room. I NOW have three buttered slices of white bread, four small tomatoes, a pear, and a bread/pizza that was from today's snack that they said take back to my room. So I have plenty of food, as you can see now. I gained more weight, weight I should be loosing. So after tomorrow I'm going to walk and do my fitness DVD's. Man, this was what I didn't expect....

While out with the kids, I ran into the other two friend's of n"L." I asked them how she was doing and told them what I thought I did. Well, let's just say I was partially right, but "L's" boyfriend was getting jealous of other guy's/friends of "L's" that she had been texting. I see how that could happen, now. They said it wasn't me and said I could see them both but I said no, because I felt they needed the time alone to sort things out. As far as I know, all is well. WHEW!!!! I DID managed to teach two little girls how to count from 1 to 20. Alls not lost, there is always a way if we just trust in God a little.

Tomorrow my classes resume.

Till next time my friends
Brothers and sisters and family in Christ
Peace be with you
In HIm

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Well, it's Thursday the 25th of September, 2014. Not much has transpired since last typed. The other day it rained all afternoon, and I believe it stopped mid-evening(?). So not much really happened. Then yesterday I took a walk with the "little People" on a short walk down one of the dirt paths/roads. We formed a line and everyone pairs up with each other. Usually it's little with little, and big with big. In MY case I had two of the littlest ones, one boy and one girl. The boy is the youngest at two years. I call him "mazs virs," which translated means "little man." I think the nanny's think it's cute. Any who, we stopped on the road where everyone was taken buy surprise by a little kitten crying. One of the nanny's went to get it but couldn't. So then the other went for a try but didn't have better luck at getting the kitten. Really the kitten would dart of, but never went very far, so assuming that it needed to be feed or something it was always in range. So, guess who's turn it was? Yup! Your's truly and on my fifth or so attempt snagged him. I gave it to one of the nanny's who then proceeded to put the cat in her hoody and zipped it up. It was funny to see this small lump move from place to place around her hoody. Finally it ended up in her sleeve. So that was the call to turn around and bring back the "little people." The other nanny took the kitten and headed to one of the other buildings that to me look like small apartments with people I've seen from time to time, only I don't rightfully know who they are.
We got the "little people" back and into the changing/coat room that's between the main door to the hallway and their actual room. They were changing shoes and socks and coats and me and the nanny's were communicating fairly well between each other when the secretary came over to the door and asked us if we had everybody. Well, yeah... we supposed we did??  We looked at each other and recounted. I said aren't we supposed to have 11 "little people?" The one nanny looked at me and shook her head, yeah...? Recount! We only had 10!!! Uho.... Then the secretary opened the door a crack and there came in number 11 on-que. We couldn't believe it, as I'm learning, that almost anything can and will happen with kids.

One afternoon snack might sound pretty weird to you, as it did me... Warm milk with macaroni. That's it, nothing more nothing else. Well I can't be rood, so I ate up, and it wasn't half bad, though it's something I would never have thought of to eat before. And the meals aren't bad. I get bread and/or butter, whatever the drink may be (tea, juice, milk, ect.) then it is usually started with soup, then potatoes or a vegetable smothered with the soup or gravy which usually has some kind of meat (chicken, pork, beef, ect.) or aside of the meat along with everything. It just depends on the cooks. One day, we had this fish... Man o'Man was that good!!! I can't wait to have it again. Another thing we had, which was the other night, was a salad type dish where it had everything cut up into strips; potatoes, ham or chicken, other vegetables, and if I'm correct, hard boiled egg, mixed in a mayonaise dressing of some sorts. Really good. Now if memory serves me well, I believe that Annjia, one of our interpreters from "Camp Hope," said that it's quit popular here in Latvia. It sounds almost like how we like certain things in America, like potato salad and macaroni salad, and there's always a different recipe for how it's made either regional or by family tradition giving it unique qualities. This is the case here.

So when I'm done here I plan on going over my class work for Saturday and Sunday. I've taken certain liberties in my teaching. For example; I will teach some basic English be it questions, answers, greetings, phrases, and numbers (1-10). I think this will hold there attention. I WILL very strongly stress the importance of the bible lesson and it's vocabulary importance. So let's pray that the Lord will keep them receptive and open to the teaching.

A lighter note:
Me and Victor get a little goofy. I'll tell you how so. When we were hanging out at Lido's (a big fancy cafeteria type restaurant) we started talking about funny things with church in modern times. One thing Victor talked about was this old TV evangelist that dressed lavishly and went around laying on of hands. So I came up with a picture of a guy coming from the Bible belt area of the country (USA) dress with a long cape, like Liberaci, wearing big chunks of stone jewelry walking around saying, "heal, y'all.. heal!!!" Victor added the word's I painted the picture, and boy did we have a laugh!!!!

Well my brothers and sisters and family in Christ I say "arlabunakti." (good night)
Peace be with you all
In Him

Saturday, September 20, 2014

What a day!!
Well for starters, I got up really late, by about 10 a.m. or so late. Missed breakfast, but didn't mind. They've been feeding me well since my stay began, a little over a week, a week tomorrow at the orphanage. Wow! It's hard to believe where the time went. So why did I sleep late you might ask..? Simple, I was up most of the night planning my first Bible/English lesson. And inspiration hit me and I kept going over material until I had a well constructed plan as to what I should be teaching. Victor gave me a lot of material to go through, and the one thing that popped up was this course on the book of Luke. It's more to get people thinking and to "plant seeds," as Victor later explained it to me. Generally it is simplistic by nature in it's teaching, while at the same time striking on the main points of the gospel, leading us into Jesus, His ministry, life, death, and resurrection. The lessons' are about a page or so long with vocabulary word's and questions that reiterate what is being taught on the page(s). I figure that at least if I had some kids who knew some basic English speech and/or reading skills I might be able to squeak by. And as it was, didn't happen as such....

I was able to get three teenagers, two girls and a young man. The one, who I'll just call "L", was nice enough to get the other two together on this. She, "L", was able to read one page very competently. Unfortunately, the other two had trouble following along. We did two lessons, which in reality wasn't a great loss after all. I gave them miniature note pads and pens to write down the vocabulary words that were in the lessons. They did well with that, though Victor was going to get me a English-Latvian/ Latvian-English dictionary to borrow or send one via e-mail. This would be good so then they can start to associate things that I know that once they see the definition can take more fully from the lesson itself. The first lesson was really short and simple. I read it out loud though I could see the perplexed look on the other two students. "L" was so graciously kind to translate what she did know and we went from there. We read everything through and it was hard for me to find things that they could connect to the story line, metaphors, because I'm so used to linking things in our own American/English way. They liked it even though it was slow going.

Now I have something to bounce off of. I didn't going in expecting much, but this was an invaluable piece of learning for me. I will have another week to get things prepared for the next lesson(s). Hopefully I'll have Victor's dictionary and find somethings, if my online service permits, more things I can grab to ad to what needs to be taught. I want to teach more English to keep there interest up, especially the lad. They're interested, which is more than enough I could ask for. I was going to have more lessons to teach, originally, for Sunday, but I don't want to over kill the experience for them and loose them all together. So I told them that we will start where we left of next Saturday. That also means I'll have to get more Latvian under my belt, too. And as a bonus I plan to give them all something, whether it be the three, or more, students so they will hang in with the course. Actually I hope I can get them to hang in by just wanting to learn the Word and the English language.

Oh! Forgot about this, too. Victor says there's going to be some kind of conference in, I think, Estonia in the first weekend in October. I said I would go with Agra, and some others from our Church of Christ in Riga to the event. So I will miss a day or two of lessons. Maybe I can come up with homework or a project for them to work on, something fun, that really doesn't need a lot of skill, just some thought and minimal time. I don't know if Victor is going or not, but at least I'll get to see some of our crew. Everybody else is away or studying which is why I may not see as many people as I would have liked to this time round. Getting there should be fun... They'll putt me on a train, I believe to Riga, where I'll meet Agra and all and travel together to the conference. I'll be there for about two days or so. Wow!! Exciting... exciting!!!!!

I honestly believe we learn by not just our triumphs, but more so by our trials and errors. It is when we don't try that nothing is ventured nor conquered. So far this trip, though been sick for part of it, has been such a case... a learning experience.

My brothers and sisters and family in Christ, I want to thank you again for this unique and rare opportunity you've bestowed upon me to do the Lord's work for being a "Fisher of men..." It is for more than grown adults, it's about our future... being a "Fisher of children" who need to know they have an unwavering Father in heaven who loves them unconditionally no matter what's happened to them or where they are from or who they are. To this I say Arlabunakti ( good night!)!

In Him
Peace be with you all
God bless

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Hi y'all!! Well the past two days have been sick. I must say that I am improving. I like the living quarters that have been arranged for me. It's a small room that I believe was that of a councilor's. I have a pull out bed, though I rather not do so. I feel just comfortable by and by. After getting sleep I went outside for a little while with the tiny kids. They're starting to call me Daddy, already. Just before then I just had to get out! So I took a short walkabout down some dirt paths and roads. One thing I got to see was a monument of some -sorts that has been erected behind where I am staying. It's up on probably one of the largest rises here at the orphanage. It has writing on it but I have to get back and research it some. Maybe tomorrow...? They've been feeding me good. I brought my exercise videos, which right about now I'm going to need them. I have to catch up on a lot since being under the weather. The weather has been remarkable... a slight crisp is starting to hit the air, while leaves are starting to fall for the beginning of fall. The days have had a nice gold color to them. The trees are (I believe) spruce, pine and others thrown in. On the other side of the orphanage is the Daulgava River. I get names confused a lot some time. I guess that's why Mom thinks I'm not good with directions, and I agree.

Last night the sky here was so clear that from inside the building I could see the moon AND the constellation Orion. I was going to go out but I forgot that they close the doors after certain hours because we still have some older kids here. I met one of them earlier and let him borrow my CD walk man. Then later on I met a teenage girl who was holding what appeared to be a tiny kitten. And sure enough it was. I had never seen such a tiny kitten in all my life. And she let me hold it for a while. It looked like a caliko medium sized length hair cat. But not being an expert I fell in love with the kitty cat any rate. Its paws, eyes, EVERYTHING were small. It made think of Max Cat.

Then as things progress through the day the lock on the one door where the offices are located, and what not jammed. I worked on trying to lock it for at least half an hour and than that's when I thought I should call Juris, because with some of the older kids still being around we need to keep doors closed to keep EVERYBODY safe. As I type, the room I'm in is locked. I keep myself locked in at all times. I carry several keys to the rooms I have been given access to, more like privileges than anything else. So with this all in mind, I knew I couldn't just leave it how it was, so  I called Juris. He came and again for half an hour EVEN he couldn't lock it. Finally he DID lock it but I can't use the room. What is bad for me is that The bathroom and shower are in those rooms. I won't be able to use them until tomorrow, sometime. And for those who don't know me, the bathroom is a very sacred place (practically) for me. Well it's 11:32 p.m. here now. I plan on having better days ahead. the sinus congestion problem was just a bump in the road.

Going to sign off now... But pray for me that I have material and the Spirit in me to direct these children in the right direction. It's all done in Christ our Lord.

In Him
Peace Be with you my brothers and sisters.      

Monday, September 15, 2014

Latvia 2014: I'm Jonathan! And I will be back in Latvia very so...

Latvia 2014: I'm Jonathan! And I will be back in Latvia very so...: I'm Jonathan! And I will be back in Latvia very soon! Stay tuned!

Latvia September 15th, 2014... Hi everyone!!! or I should say "Labdien," (good day!!) Well, for the faint-at-heart, I made my flight and the connections. I have to give a HUGE "liels paldies" (thank you, big!!) to Adam from the PRCOC for taking me and mom up to JFK airport on the 10th of September, 2014. So early that I had to waite from 2:30 p.m. until check in, 6 p.m. WHEW!! But I didn't mind so. I was more relieved when the plane got off of the ground. You know, in some cultures, like native american, maybe others, animals that present themselves at certain times and how they arrive in one's life often are considered good or bad. On the way up in Adam's car I was looking out of the passenger window and saw a hawk gliding above the trees. But what what really got me was what I encountered at the airport. You will probably never believe this, and I'm still trying to process this even as I type... But I saw a hawk flying back from the bay (the Hudson, correct me if I'm wrong) on the other side of the runway, carrying, now mind you, I'm up high in the check in and terminal area and seeing this approaching where I'm standing, it was carrying.. Are you ready for this?... A FISH!!! It was amazing!!! NOT because it came from water that has been polluted for years, BUT IN THE MIDDLE OF NEW YORK CITY (JFK)!!! Can you believe that! Only one answer to that... WHAT AN AWESOME GOD WE HAVE!! You see, I used to see animals and things as metaphores and what have-you because of being an artist. You see animals and art in history usually have some kind colalition because of the mythical and symbiotic nature they had in telling a story.... But what do I think? I believe God was saying, "It's going to be okay. But I'm not done there Jonathan, I'm going to make you a "Fisher of Men."  -WOW-

Little did I realize, that this maybe so....

The flight was long. No music... No movies... Nothing, except a couple of meals and some really nice people next to me. The young man to my right was a young American traveling too Sweden, then, I think to Norway. His name was Joseph. Earlier he saved me a seat in the terminal while I went to get water to take my daily meds. Said he hadn't been on a plane in a while. We talked a little and laughed.

Then to my left was Sarah from Sweden. Very nice and cute as well. We talked about our travels and she said she was in the states'  for a while and had things going on in her homeland. We were both so tired we fell asleep talking to each other. I think I failed to mention the plane didn't leave until 10:30 p.m. or later.

Connecting planes wasn't as bad as everyone said it could be. I had a good two hours so I freshened up, got some water and got Mom a mug from "Sweden" at the terminal to add to her collection. It's kind of neat with little pictures covering the outside, things that make Sweden stand out or are known for.

THEN there's Victor!!!!!

WE laughed from the time we met at the airport until we went to bed late on Thursday 11th, September, 2014. It was good to see my Latvianized American brother in Christ. We even went to Hessburger!!! Which is a Latvian fast food burger joint. Why I like the food is because, unlike in America where you get cold food and squished food that is sliding all over the place, you get a burger that about 95% of the time is made well. They even place a ring around it to keep it from sliding and NO squished buns. Also, the sauce they ad is delicious. Another thing, their portions are reasonable. Not the SUPERDUPER 90 gallons of liquid fills all kind of thing.

Then Victor said if I wanted to go back to his house or the apartment. I chose the apartment because he had mention something about being allergic to his house. I believe it's possible, especially when my own grandmother lived in a trailer that was full of mold and didn't know it. I thought I would do a walkabout in Riga on Saturday by myself to feel things out. But Victor had the great (and it did AND was GREAT) to make the python-sized burritos filled with beans with a block of cheese each and a little chili pepper (home grown- everything in Latvia is fresh, or just about). Well, that was a mistake for me. Normally I have NO such problems, unfortunately, not this time. I spent the entire Friday night in the bathroom reading The Latvian Wall street Journal- (If there really is one let me know, because whatever I was reading sure seemed like it!). So I slept most of Saturday while Victor readied his sermon for Sunday. The Sermon on Sunday was good and I liked it so much so that (Sorry Victor, I really feel Bad) I don't remember much. I do know it was Hebrews 11 and was about faith, and are we giving faith that might be required or expected of us. Hey, maybe I did get it!! wahoo!! Then Victor asked me if I would like to lead in the Lord's supper. Now mind you, the only thing I've ever done is serve the supper, nothing more nothing less. But to serve, wow! what an honor. So Saturday I Looked up some things on the body and the blood for communion. I wrote things down, something short and sweet, along with footnotes to where thins can be found if scripture. I read it at service on Sunday and quite proudly I said to Victor, " How was that?" "Good, I edited while you were talking." That being in part that all 10 of them were Latvian. God sure does know how to humble us doesn't He!!??

Sunday 14, 2014 I arrived at Likumi. I got to see my minitures plus a good many of the older ones, yes even ones I've taken (as well they too) too. I forgot how much I missed them. I really feel at times as though they are mine and I try to think as such. I try not to show favoratism. But there, and the summer "Camp Hope" team will all tell you, that it's hard not to. It was a good reunion. I must thank Agra, who is one of the coordinators, for driving with me and Victor all the way out here from Riga after the Church service. Also thanks to Vlad, a young gentleman, Latvian too, who came all the way out with us from Church to send me off. He is a great and God fearing young man. Thanks Vlad!!! They said they will see me in two weeks. I think things will be fine, especially now that I have a room where I can connect for doing this blog. Thanks Sheri!! Unfortunately, I really do have to be connected, I'm right now plugged into a jack of some sorts as I


Fisher of men, maybe kids???

Well Victor has planted a seed in me to possibly do Communion on Sundays here at the orphanage. I really wasn't planning on it. Only in the Church of Christ things like this are held by people who are/have been married. So I find it a little unnerving. Then Victor wants me to teach biblical studies, basic to the kids, which I have no problem with. Now the question is what do I teach them. I'm thinking either some known old Testament stories and New Testament Stories. Oh, believe me, I have enough material. Victor made sure of that. And to teach a little bit of the English language. Monday's I made my free day to wander, go into town if they take me and/ or do my blog. I believe it's all falling into place. Oh, forgot, the 6 and up kids come back on Friday's and stay until Sunday, so I have to get things for them to do set up which gives me now until Friday. I 'm not planning, I'm letting God have controll... and you know what, it feels great!!!

See you all later my brother's and sisters in Christ

Peace be with you all

In Him

Friday, September 5, 2014

Where is Latvia? Not many people know this! See the map below!

I'm Jonathan! And I will be back in Latvia very soon! Stay tuned!