Thursday, September 25, 2014

Well, it's Thursday the 25th of September, 2014. Not much has transpired since last typed. The other day it rained all afternoon, and I believe it stopped mid-evening(?). So not much really happened. Then yesterday I took a walk with the "little People" on a short walk down one of the dirt paths/roads. We formed a line and everyone pairs up with each other. Usually it's little with little, and big with big. In MY case I had two of the littlest ones, one boy and one girl. The boy is the youngest at two years. I call him "mazs virs," which translated means "little man." I think the nanny's think it's cute. Any who, we stopped on the road where everyone was taken buy surprise by a little kitten crying. One of the nanny's went to get it but couldn't. So then the other went for a try but didn't have better luck at getting the kitten. Really the kitten would dart of, but never went very far, so assuming that it needed to be feed or something it was always in range. So, guess who's turn it was? Yup! Your's truly and on my fifth or so attempt snagged him. I gave it to one of the nanny's who then proceeded to put the cat in her hoody and zipped it up. It was funny to see this small lump move from place to place around her hoody. Finally it ended up in her sleeve. So that was the call to turn around and bring back the "little people." The other nanny took the kitten and headed to one of the other buildings that to me look like small apartments with people I've seen from time to time, only I don't rightfully know who they are.
We got the "little people" back and into the changing/coat room that's between the main door to the hallway and their actual room. They were changing shoes and socks and coats and me and the nanny's were communicating fairly well between each other when the secretary came over to the door and asked us if we had everybody. Well, yeah... we supposed we did??  We looked at each other and recounted. I said aren't we supposed to have 11 "little people?" The one nanny looked at me and shook her head, yeah...? Recount! We only had 10!!! Uho.... Then the secretary opened the door a crack and there came in number 11 on-que. We couldn't believe it, as I'm learning, that almost anything can and will happen with kids.

One afternoon snack might sound pretty weird to you, as it did me... Warm milk with macaroni. That's it, nothing more nothing else. Well I can't be rood, so I ate up, and it wasn't half bad, though it's something I would never have thought of to eat before. And the meals aren't bad. I get bread and/or butter, whatever the drink may be (tea, juice, milk, ect.) then it is usually started with soup, then potatoes or a vegetable smothered with the soup or gravy which usually has some kind of meat (chicken, pork, beef, ect.) or aside of the meat along with everything. It just depends on the cooks. One day, we had this fish... Man o'Man was that good!!! I can't wait to have it again. Another thing we had, which was the other night, was a salad type dish where it had everything cut up into strips; potatoes, ham or chicken, other vegetables, and if I'm correct, hard boiled egg, mixed in a mayonaise dressing of some sorts. Really good. Now if memory serves me well, I believe that Annjia, one of our interpreters from "Camp Hope," said that it's quit popular here in Latvia. It sounds almost like how we like certain things in America, like potato salad and macaroni salad, and there's always a different recipe for how it's made either regional or by family tradition giving it unique qualities. This is the case here.

So when I'm done here I plan on going over my class work for Saturday and Sunday. I've taken certain liberties in my teaching. For example; I will teach some basic English be it questions, answers, greetings, phrases, and numbers (1-10). I think this will hold there attention. I WILL very strongly stress the importance of the bible lesson and it's vocabulary importance. So let's pray that the Lord will keep them receptive and open to the teaching.

A lighter note:
Me and Victor get a little goofy. I'll tell you how so. When we were hanging out at Lido's (a big fancy cafeteria type restaurant) we started talking about funny things with church in modern times. One thing Victor talked about was this old TV evangelist that dressed lavishly and went around laying on of hands. So I came up with a picture of a guy coming from the Bible belt area of the country (USA) dress with a long cape, like Liberaci, wearing big chunks of stone jewelry walking around saying, "heal, y'all.. heal!!!" Victor added the word's I painted the picture, and boy did we have a laugh!!!!

Well my brothers and sisters and family in Christ I say "arlabunakti." (good night)
Peace be with you all
In Him

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